Meet Sylvia Inks

Sylvia Inks

founder, SMI Financial Coaching

I love helping clients save money, make more money, and be able to pay themselves a consistent owner’s draw or salary.

An Introduction: I’m a business coach, finance expert, author and speaker who helps small business owners grow profitable businesses by focusing on systems, cash flow, and building multiple income streams.

Origin Story: My father was a hospital pharmacist and owned several Chinese restaurants in the Triangle, and my mother was an accountant. I saw the best of both worlds — a steady paycheck working as an employee for someone else’s company, as well as the benefits of passive income from owning a small business. I always knew that I wanted to work in the financial services industry and start my own business.

Since I grew up in a family that loved to talk about money, I heard about money at the dinner table, in the car, at the grocery store, etc. My parents were always sharing their lessons learned and teaching us how to build good money habits.

Not everyone grows up learning about finances.

Money is a taboo subject in a lot of households, and I find that many aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs don’t have the financial skills to manage and grow a profitable small business.

I’ve seen small business owners struggle and have to shut down their businesses. Often, it could have been avoided if they had managed their finances differently.

A Proud Moment: I realized that new and experienced entrepreneurs were making financial mistakes that were costing them time, money and stress. I decided to take all the lessons I had learned, including real-life stories from clients and colleagues, and write a book to help entrepreneurs with their business finances.

In less than six months, I wrote my first book, “Small Business Finance for the Busy Entrepreneur – Blueprint for Building a Solid, Profitable Business.”

Recent Challenge: I’m an extrovert and gain energy from being around like-minded individuals and colleagues. Having to social distance for over a year was hard, but I look forward to being able to do more in-person networking and speaking events.

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