Liquid Assets: Phat Thor Stout from Norse Brewing

Winter is my favorite beer time of the year! After all the wheat, fruit and pumpkins beers of the other seasons have passed, now is the time for the big, robust beers. Stout — big, thick, and tasting of chocolate and coffee — is the perfect beer when it’s cold outside. Stouts are great all year, but winter begs for the richness of a robust beer.

If you haven’t tried a stout before, they can be somewhat bitter from the roasted malts, tending toward that dark chocolate/coffee flavor. Phat Thor Stout brewed at Norse Brewing in Wake Forest breaks that tradition with its wonderfully smooth but bold flavor. It comes in at a nice 5.9%, a little low for a stout, but that means you can enjoy more of it.

There’s nothing better than a beautiful beer and food pairing, and this stout is a great candidate to pair up. There are so many flavor variables that need to come together, but when they do, it’s palate euphoria. That’s the sensation of taking a bite of food and a sip of beer, swirling it around and letting the flavors melt in your mouth.

Norse Brewing is a Viking-themed brewpub that offers a full menu to enjoy. They have the Viking Burger — a blended burger of bison, boar, wagyu beef and elk. It’s like an international burger! Pair this burger with Phat Thor; it will be an amazing flavor experience. Stouts are malt forward, and they really complement the umami or savoriness of the meat.

The key thing to remember: No one can tell you what you like. The best person to judge what tastes amazing is YOU! I recommend the drive up to Norse Brewing at 203 Brooks Street in Wake Forest, so you can create a beer/food experience for yourself.


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