We’re In This Together

“A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.”

Coco Chanel said that. And I’m sure she meant to say “woman” instead of “girl.”

Here, in our just-released Women’s Issue, we introduce you to the 2014 Women of Western Wake, who seemingly abide by Chanel’s sentiment.

Accomplished and determined, these five dynamos put aside should-have or what-will-people-say, and get down to the business of making a difference. 

Why do they do it?

Read their stories and you’ll find the common thread of compassion, and an awareness of life’s bigger picture.

How do they do it?

Creative planning, flexibility, and humor. In other words, just like you. (One of the five even referred to “spinning plates and juggling flaming swords” — sound familiar?)

The message, to me, is that we’re all in this together, and that’s a good thing.

You can spare a minute; allow yourself to be inspired. Then get back to being the “who and what” you want to be.

Thanks for reading,

Nancy Pardue, Co-editor

P.S. – Don't miss this online-only piece: 

Former Cary Magazine contributor Pam Schmid was the subject of her own story in the September/October 2004 issue, titled Cancer Will Never Happen to Me. Diagnosed then with early stage breast cancer, Schmid's shares her ongoing journey in But You Look So Good …  How could you be dying.

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