Looking for ways to give back to our community? Here are suggestions for ways to get involved with local organizations, pulled from the Cary Magazine Charity Guide.
For more ideas, check out the Guide at carymagazine.com/charity-organizations.
And if the nonprofit you're a part of isn’t listed but you'd like it to be, drop us a line!
PORCH-Western Wake collects and distributes food to assist families in need, via monthly donations collected from donors’ front porches. porch-westernwake.org
The Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited, or TAP, supports people with this communication disorder and helps them rejoin the community via work and play, and helps families with training programs and resources. aphasiaproject.org
Anna’s Angels provides funding to promote research for Down syndrome, via its annual fundraiser, the Anna’s Angels Gala, held each March. annas-angels.org
Wish Upon a Wedding provides weddings and vow renewals to couples facing terminal illness and serious life-altering circumstances. wishuponawedding.org