Have an old computer monitor cluttering up your house or office? How about an unused printer, scanner or even a TV?
Clear out your old technology, and help protect the environment, by dropping off these items for recycling at the free Technology Spring Clean!
Hosted by tech firm WingSwept of Garner, the fifth annual Technology Spring Clean will be held Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the company’s offices at 605 Poole Drive.
Recognized regionally as a successful Earth Day event, the drop-off has brought in more than 69,000 pounds of unwanted computer and electronic equipment to date for recycling.
Accepted for drop-off will be computers/CPUs, printers, monitors, copiers, keyboards, mice, circuit boards, mainframes, hard drives and phone systems. These items are banned from improper disposal at landfills.
WingSwept staff note that all hard drives will be removed from computers and securely shredded prior to recycling, a service the company donates to offer peace of mind to business and individuals concerned about sensitive data.
Rain date for Technology Spring Clean is April 27.
For more information, visit www.wingswept.com/recycle.
Clean Sweep
Keep up the green theme this Saturday with Garner’s Spring Big Sweep, from 8:30 to 11 a.m.
Volunteers are needed to help clean up the Lake Benson shoreline, along with the streets of Garner, and will receive a free breakfast and a T-shirt or tote bag. Registered volunteers will gather at White Deer Park Nature Center, 2400 Aversboro Road.
To register for the Lake Benson cleanup, contact Stephanie Shaffer at (919) 661-6892 or sshaffer@garnernc.gov. To register for street cleanup, contact Jaclyn Rametta at (919) 773-4421 or jrametta@garnernc.gov.