Contribute to the Cary 150 Time Capsule

The Town of Cary is seeking items for a Cary150 time capsule that will be buried at the Downtown Park.

Cary’s Sesquicentennial year may be coming to a close, but there is still important work to be done. The Town of Cary is seeking ideas for items to include in its Cary 150 Time Capsule, which will be buried in the new Downtown Park and opened 100 years from now.

The citizen volunteers reviewing the submissions want to achieve a diverse representation of ideas and items that are reflective of the current community. Some ideas on what makes an item relevant for submission:

  • It is a current reflection of life in Cary in 2020 and 2021.
  • It is self-explanatory and needs little or no additional description.
  • It reflects Cary’s culture (for example, recent work created by cultural, arts, or nonprofit groups.)
  • It would be of interest to citizens 100 years in the future.

Ideas may be submitted through an online form at Submitters should send a description of their suggestions and attest they are willing to donate these items to the Town of Cary for this purpose. Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged. A group of public engagement Cary150 citizen volunteers will determine the items selected for the time capsule and advise successful nominators how to deliver their items to the Town. Citizens are asked not to drop off items at Town Hall unless requested by the organizers.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 30, with notifications made in early- to mid-November. Successful submitters will need to sign a waiver to release their items to the Town of Cary, and the time capsule will be buried at a later date in the new Downtown Park, which is currently under construction.

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