Liquid Assets: Spring Bock by Carolina Brewing Company

Spring is SO CLOSE you can taste it — literally! I’m not talking about March 19, when we officially welcome spring. This is all about experiencing a beer that knocks down that winter wall and welcomes a fresh new beer season. It’s time to let go of those imperial stouts and rich, wonderful barrel-aged wonders, and embrace lighter beer that tastes of spring.

Maibocks are a great spring beer. “Mai” is the German word for May, historically when this beer was produced, and “bock” means it’s a lager. This style is lighter in color, offers a wonderful sweet, light, malty flavor and is not hoppy. The maltiness in this instance is a light toffee flavor where the added hops are enough to balance the malt sweetness.

Carolina Brewing Company releases its Spring Bock at this time every year. Even though the style implies a May release, this comes out in March to introduce the freshness of spring. This is a definite change from the big Groundhog Day Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout released at the beginning of February. The Spring Bock is refreshing, easy to drink and comes in at a nice 6.5% ABV. When you open the bottle and pour it into a glass, enjoy the light aroma and take a big sip. The taste is like the first day you open all the windows of the house to let in the brisk air. This is a beer that is made for drinkability.

Carolina Brewing Company is located at 140 Thomas Mill Road in Holly Springs, and this year it is celebrating its 25th anniversary. In craft beer years, that’s quite an achievement! Look for big events at the brewery to celebrate this triumphant milestone.

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