Sure, they’re snuggly … but that’s just the beginning.
When’s the last time you met a dog with his own bubble machine?
Or a ferret with an Instagram account?
Well, today’s the day!
We asked to meet your pets, and you truly delivered. Not since Lassie and Mr. Ed have we encountered such a bunch of funny, amazing and inspiring animals.
Now it’s our turn to share. Here’s to warm fuzzies.

Elijah and Caden

Brady Bunch
Elijah and Caden, age 13, Border Collie brothers
“Patient, kind, obedient, loyal and very smart! Since joining the family they have accepted three children with grace. We have been blessed that they chose us to raise them. We love them with all our heart.”
— Marsha Snyder and Jessica Mann of Raleigh
Brady Bunch, age 10
He’s a busy dog, but “Brady Bunch finds time to let us enjoy him as a family member. His personality is many times larger than his 8 pounds of fluff … He’s been seen on stage in three local productions, highlighted by the role of Bruiser in Cary Players’ production of ‘Legally Blonde.’ He also got to play a role in the pilot teaser for ‘Puppy Love,’ which was filmed in Cary and shopped in L.A. as a potential show.
“None of this goes to his puppy head though, as can be seen in his interactions with others. Little dogs oftentimes are overly excited or aggressive around other dogs. Brady does not suffer from this. Although he may get jealous if another animal, such as his sister Grizabella, who is a cat, gets attention. When meeting or spending time with other dogs, he’s calm and collected. He proudly holds his own.”
— Jaret and Sarah Preston of Cary

Wallace Maple Barkley

Wallace Maple Barkley, age 2, Tibetan Terrier
“Wallace is a great family puppy with lots of energy. On weekdays you can find him in downtown Cary at work with his owner, Conrad, at the North State Insurance Group. He enjoys lunchtime walks around town and evening walks around MacGregor Downs with mom. His human sisters adore him and his silly sleep style. He loves to travel with the family to the beach at Emerald Isle, and on hiking trips down the Haw River. He is spoiled, to say the least!”
— Mary John and Conrad “C.G.” Caldwell of Cary
Brooklyn, age 4
“Brooklyn loves chasing bubbles and just got his very own bubble machine for his birthday! What makes him so awesome is that he loves everyone, and wants to make friends with every dog he meets.”
— Deana Castagna of Raleigh


Duster, age 22, Quarter Horse
“Duster is special because he is trustworthy and kind. At 22, his experience has shaped him into the ‘once in a lifetime’ horse all equestrians seek. Despite his age, he is spry! He will give 110 percent, always. He can read his rider’s thoughts and feelings, and he’s exceptionally careful with children and beginner riders. He’s got boxes of ribbons and trophies that prove how amazing he is, but the folks at Friendship Stables don’t need those to know he’s special. He is worth his weight in gold — but he’ll take it in carrots!”
— Melanie Svinis of Apex
Aria, age 4
“Aria saves lives by donating blood to the N.C. State Animal Hospital! She’s always thrilled to greet us with a big hug when we come home. She is an avid fan of the Raleigh Flea Market and visiting breweries and bottle shops around the Triangle, making friends wherever she goes.”
— John McHugh and Kim Pernicka of Cary


Lilo, age 7, and Stitch, age 3
“Lilo was rescued from Oahu, Hawaii, and Stitch was rescued from Fayetteville. Our kids named them after the Disney movie ‘Lilo and Stitch.’ They are both goofy and active, and often accompany our family on hikes. They especially like hiking at Raven Rock (State Park). Life is more exciting with them around!”
— The Greene family of Apex

Sheldon, age 3
“Sheldon is a rescue dog. He has already fostered nearly 200 puppies for Peak Lab Rescue while they wait to find their permanent homes. With the youngest orphaned puppies, Sheldon offers warmth and security. He is always willing to share his bed and allows itty-bitty pups to find comfort by snuggling up next to him for a nap. When the pups are a little older, Sheldon gets down on their level to play. He is gentle but firm in teaching the lessons that a puppy needs to become a successful member of a family. Sheldon shows his foster pups the proper way to use their mouth, play, share and respect personal space. I have personally seen Sheldon use his big bony head to hold a puppy still just long enough to get his point across. And I’ve seen him bring a dog toy to a puppy and say, ‘Here, chew on this — not me!’
“People often ask me how I taught Sheldon to do this. The answer is I didn’t. I truly believe that he knows he came from a bad situation and that now he has it pretty good. His mission is to help other puppies learn and grow and live happily ever after, just like him.”
— Sharon Gesser of Cary


Punkin, age 4 , Zuchon
“Punkin is my 18-pound Zuchon, a Shih Tzu-Bishon Frise hybrid. I rescued her from a pet store at 10 weeks old; she had been separated from her mother at eight weeks and flown from Kansas to North Carolina. Punkin is my absolute joy, and we are a pack. At 53 years old, I was a first-time pet owner. My final living parent had just passed. I needed Punkin to jumpstart my life, and she needed me to save and love her. We grew up together, learn together, love together.”
— Joann Langan of Cary
Fergus, age 2 ½
“Fergus is one of the most unique pets I’ve ever had! He’s a fun and funny little ferret with a huge personality. He loves to play chase, go for walks with his favorite leash, snuggle with his humans, and dance about the house! He never ceases to brighten up my day. Fergus also has his own Instagram: @fergustheferret.”
— Shelby Scattergood of Cary


Duncan, age 2 ½, Cockapoo
“Duncan is a special dog. He understands people’s feelings and knows how to help any situation. His ‘smile’ and pure love will brighten anyone’s day. He even knows how to fist bump kids!”
— Jaime Farland of Cary
Strawberry, age 3 months
“Strawberry is great because she has so much energy and loves playing with my 6-year-old son, Brayden, and loves to be outdoors. Strawberry puts a smile on everyone’s face when they meet her.”
— Stacy McDade of Cary


Chloe and Lilly
Chandler ‘Chandy Man,’ age 3
“Chandler is a great cat who beat incredible odds and who is still loving and gentle. We adopted Chandler from the Wake County Animal Shelter. He came to the shelter dirty, with matted fur, full of fleas and open sores all over his body. Despite his dire circumstances, he let us clean him up and treat his sores, never once trying to bite or scratch. He became a loving member of our family and the inspiration for our cat-only boarding facility (Cozy Cats Hotel). In his honor, we donated a suite there to the Wake County Animal Shelter foster program, to help other displaced cats recover and find a home.”
— Stacy and Steven Raphael of Cary
Chloe, age 8, and Lilly, age 1
“Our Great Dane is a great watch dog and is a rescue dog which we met at a wine fest in Cary about five years ago. Lilly is our crazy puppy with non-stop energy, who loves everyone. She also is a rescue, and enjoys Jack Smith Dog Park.”
— Mari Intravartolo of Cary

Charlie, age approximately 3
“My sweet Charlie and I rescued each other last summer and he has been the sweetest friend that I could ever ask for! Charlie has needed extensive medical treatments and so have I. We are great company and solace for one another. Look at those adoring eyes! His breed life expectancy is 18 years and I hope that we are blessed to be together for all of that time.”
— Vanessa May of Raleigh


Gabby, age 7
“Laid back, lovable and lazy describes Miss Gabby, who seems to pose for every photo I’ve taken of her … a beautiful feral cat that rarely meows, has half a tail and a belly that drags the floor. She runs from guests but is quite content spending the day curled up in my lap with one paw around my neck.”
— Ann and Tom Bailey of Cary
Frosty, age 8
“Frosty is the peacemaker in our home. When our two boys wrestle each other, or even when they shout while watching a basketball game, Frosty thinks he has to resolve the issue. He gets in the middle and continues to bark until things calm down!”
— Reshan and Geetha Fernando of Cary

Felix and Oscar
Felix, age 9, and Oscar, age 8, Dachshunds
“Felix is unwaveringly loyal, and a regular social butterfly. He’s very well behaved when out on the town, though he is rotten at home, but we let that slide because look at that face!
“Oscar is the most affectionate dog in town, and gives (demands) the best snuggles ever. He’s eager to make us happy, and will do virtually anything for a treat. He’s also the fastest doxie in Western Wake, as he won the Wiener Dog Races at the 2016 Triangle Oktoberfest.”
— Kristin and Jeremiah Black of Raleigh
- Follow Me!
- Rural Route
- Tennis, Everyone?
- CM Summer Pet Parade
- Worth a Second Look
- The Way of White