When it comes to our pets, it’s sometimes hard to tell who is taking care of whom.
Sure, we buy the kibble and pay the groomer, but our animal companions keep us healthy and happy. According to experts, pets help lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety, boost our immunity and even help us find (human) companionship. They cheer us up when we’re sad, give us head bumps and kisses when we’re grumpy and make us exercise when we don’t want to leave the couch.
They’re our BFFs — Best Furry Friends — the least we can do is give them kudos when we can. So, keep reading for some heart-warming tales about lovable tails — and ears and noses, too.

Eli is a Labrador/hound mix and almost 6 months old. He’s such a handsome boy in his new tie. He is sweet, smart and quite determined to be the center of attention. Eli was a welcome addition to our family after I lost my beloved cocker spaniel, who brought love and joy to our lives for many years.
– Kim Carneal, Apex

Oscar is a male tabby cat, approximately 3 years old. He was found as a stray in Johnston County and bought to the ASPCA of Raleigh. I adopted him the weekend before Thanksgiving and gave him a “fur-ever” home. Oscar is social and doesn’t shy away from anyone. He loves to snuggle up and provides unconditional company. He’s constantly purring and loves attention.
– Catherine Pergola, Durham

Butter Cup

Butter Cup
This is Butter Cup, a wonderful, sweet, fun boxer/Old English bulldog mix. She is a rescue and had a bad early life. She was always outside and just used for breeding purposes. Despite this, she is still a happy girl! No matter what kind of day I am having, she always makes me smile. She is a big ham and is very vocal when she wants something. She loves nothing more than a nice tummy rub and will soon be snoring if you do it for a bit. She brightens my every day, and I’m so glad to have her in my life!
– Trish Davis, Angier
My dog, Goose, is about 2 years old, and he’s a Roodle — half Rottweiler, half poodle. Our other dog’s name is Maverick, as we are a Navy family! We rescued Goose from a puppy mill in Pennsylvania when he was a puppy. His nickname is Honkers, as Geese honk. Goose loves bread, and always manages to steal a loaf.
– Susie Truitt, Cary


Sage, Pepper and Klaus
Kobe is 5 years old and is, by far, the best dog I have ever owned. He is loving, loyal, and he is incredibly attached to my daughter. He is the epitome of a 35-pound teddy bear.
– Kim Morton, Clayton
Sage, Pepper and Klaus
Introducing our Sheep Train. If life is better with an Old English sheepdog, then it’s way better with three! It takes a family of four to have enough hands to give them all the love they need.
– Emily Baranello, Apex

Maya & Ivy
We have the most wonderful dogs, a flat-coat retriever named Maya and a goldendoodle named Ivy. They are incredibly patient with and love their little brother, Charlie. They are our toddler’s playmates and cuddle buddies — essentially his first best buds.
– Meredith Rooth, Cary

This is Buddy at Jordan Lake. His one thing in life that he lives for, is his ball. Any time is Ball Time, but he especially loves jumping in the lake to get it!
– Jeanne Scott, New Hill

Shelby & Sticky Mae
Shelby & Sticky Mae
The bearded dragon, named Sticky Mae, and Shelby the cat were supposed to be for my son, but they quickly bonded with me and became mine. Shelby is a crazy cat and is into everything! She keeps me on my toes. I was never a cat person, but I got her because I had a momentary lapse of judgement — and my son wanted her. She has definitely won me over.
– Kim Davis, Henderson


Bentley is a 2½-year-old Great Pyrenees. He is 95 pounds of pure love. Bentley loves to crawl up in your lap and snuggle. He loves treats and anything we’re eating.
– Angela Bolt, Holly Springs
Brooklyn is 6 years old, and he’s an easygoing, go-with-the-flow kind of pup. He’s up for anything as long as he’s riding shotgun. He even comes to work with me and looks very dapper at the office in his tie.
– Deana Castagna, Cary


Roger & Lily
Eight years ago, we adopted two foundling kittens from a front porch near a busy street in upstate New York. At first, they were going to be fostered, but the empty nest syndrome crept up, and they became family. As Roger and Lily grew, we came up with a list of reasons to have fraternal twin cats:
- They make really cute kittens.
- They share common goals, for example tag-teaming mice. (It can be tricky rescuing little rodents when you’re surrounded.)
- They enjoy each other’s company.
- They’re unique bookends.
- They exemplify the perfect still life in repose.
- They give double love, companionship and entertainment.
– Kelly Burkett, Fuquay-Varina

Oshie, Zoey & Nellie
Oshie, Zoey & Nellie
Our dogs are great, because they love to hang out with us no matter where we go. We socialized each of them extensively when they were just puppies, and each one has turned out to be fantastic in public. They are great with people and dogs alike. Nellie (the brown dog) is our pack leader, Zoey (black and white) is our social director, and Oshie (the black dog) is low key and goes with the flow. You’ll see us walking the dogs in downtown Cary or chillin’ at one of our favorite breweries or bottle shops.
– Scott Davey, Cary


Rio & Turbo
Rio is our sun conure. He can be noisy, especially at sunrise and sunset. We also have a beautiful cat named Turbo. He is a seal point ragdoll with a blaze on his nose.
– Cheryl Bielinski, Raleigh


Amelia & Sandy
Amelia and Sandy have been such a blessing in our lives. They bring the joy to a long work day, a smile to a rainy day and the fun to a boring day!
– Matthew and Jesarela Valle, Cary

There are so many reasons to love Claude, it is hard to narrow them all down. He is extremely sweet and loves all people and other dogs. He is an attack dog of snuggles and kisses. He is a world-class food thief and loves the children in his family the most, because they are the easiest targets and willing to drop him some snacks. When he isn’t stealing food, he loves to lounge on the couch in front of the fireplace or lay in the sun. He has extremely short legs, but he manages to reach all of the kitchen counters anyway. He is a unique little guy in personality and looks, because he might just be the world’s shortest goldendoodle. People love to stop Claude and try to guess his breed.
– Sara Bean, Cary


Basil the French bulldog is 7 months old and belongs to me, Barbara McKinnon, owner of Preston Flowers and Gifts. You can usually find Basil at the flower shop. He loves everyone he meets and just wants to be loved — and to sleep. Basil loves to greet our walk-in customers, and he really loves when customers bring in their kids.
– Barbara McKinnon, Cary
Our Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, Raleigh, is 2 years old. She is my son, Nathaniel’s, very best friend. Since we brought Nathaniel home from the hospital, Raleigh has barely left his side. She is the best puppy — not only does she protect us and love us, but she is constantly at our side and loves big cuddles. Raleigh’s favorite food is carrots, and if you give her one, she will love you forever!
– Annelise Landreth, Cary

Otis & Willie
Otis & Willie
My boys’ names are Otis and Willie. They are brothers and are 11/2 years old. They are clowns and bring much joy into my life. They also kindly let me live in their house.
– Joyce D’Alessio, Cary

Our Old English sheepdog, Wizard, was 13 and could no longer get up. Here, he’s wearing goggles for his laser therapy. He is also wearing a body harness with two handles, which helped us get him up. Wizard went to the Rainbow Bridge several weeks ago, and we miss him terribly.
– Linda Sapp, Fuquay-Varina
- Hive Mind
- Do the Hustle
- Takeout, Delivery & Crossed Fingers
- Liquid Assets: Smoothsicle from Funguys Brewing
- Smell, Seek, Find
- Pet Parade: Our Awesome Animals
- Small Business Spotlight: Woof Gang Bakery
- Nonprofit Spotlight: Best Friend Pet Adoption
- From the Editor: Fleeing from the Virus
- Garden Adventurer: The Constant Color of Sun Coleuses
Thank you for featuring Wizard in this edition of your magazine. I was not aware that you were going to do this because I was told the picture was too small. Neither my husband nor I could do anything to enlarge it but I guess someone on your staff did and I truly appreciate this. I sent a notice to my daughter in Boston about it and she said “how special to get a visit from him today”. She is also grieving because she just lost her 5-year old Newfoundland, George. He was her shadow as she did work from home, a 165 lb. shadow!!!