Faces in Places

Woodland creature
Woodland creature
Groovy glasses
Groovy glasses
Can you see
Can you see
Barrel of laughs
Barrel of laughs
Flushed smile
Flushed smile
Big mouth
Big mouth
Close contacts
Close contacts
Corky character
Corky character
Old biddy
Old biddy
Electric smile
Electric smile
Eyes locked on
Eyes locked on
Gator wood
Gator wood
Rug kitty
Rug kitty
Our zips are sealed
Our zips are sealed
Pissed pepper
Pissed pepper
Ghost in the machine
Ghost in the machine
Pursed lips
Pursed lips
Sick of chocolate
Sick of chocolate
Stars in his eyes
Stars in his eyes
See saw
See saw
Tongue tied
Tongue tied
Tall and skinny
Tall and skinny
Grumpy monitor
Grumpy monitor
Ziggy zagged
Ziggy zagged
Weathered look
Weathered look
Hiding in plain sight
Hiding in plain sight

They are everywhere, in case you didn’t notice — faces in the most unexpected places. Pareidolia, or the human ability to see meaningful images in random and inanimate objects, explains why some people see eyes and a mouth in an electrical outlet, the shape of animals in clouds, or the figure of the Man in the Moon. The characters I imagine in everyday objects always make me smile. Here are a few that have come to life for me.