There’s always something going on in Cary, and this past weekend’s variety of events was no exception. And if you were in attendance at local events, our cameras may have captured your fun!
Cary Magazine chief photographer, Jonathan Fredin, was out and about to enjoy the sounds and colors of the sixth Cary Eid Festival, held Sept. 14 to commemorate two Muslim holidays.
Dubbed a “festival without borders,” the town-sponsored event was held in downtown Cary for the first time, transforming the Cary Arts Center and Downtown Performance Green into a wonderland of ethnic art, dance, music, documentaries, crafts and food.
Swing Night, Too
Fredin also found his way to Swing Night on Sept. 13, as the Town of Cary’s block party-style Seven o’Clock Rock Series continued.
Featured band was the Jim McCann Jazz Project, which played at the intersection of Chatham and Academy streets, while hundreds of people danced and laughed away a beautiful fall evening.