FALC’s Annual Teen Art Exhibit 

“Pride,” by Chloe Rush, Athens Drive High School

Attention, teen artists! The Fine Arts League of Cary (FALC), an art organization committed to promoting the artistic growth of area artists, is ready to exhibit your work! 

“We are an art organization with over 250 artist members who not only love producing and exhibiting art, but also working with our communities to promote art,” said Maureen Scullin, a member and local artist. “With that as a goal, we are celebrating and encouraging Triangle high school artists with a special exhibit, prizes and Meredith College scholarships, and a special gift of art supplies bequeathed to our organization from one of our recently departed members.” 

By sponsoring this annual teen art exhibit, the FALC supports emerging young artists by providing the opportunity to exhibit, learn, and socialize with other artists and art lovers. According to their website, prize money is awarded to outstanding artworks by students in grade 9-12 in both the public and private schools. Matching funds are given to the art department of each school to enrich their programs. Sponsors also make awards.  

The Town of Cary has awarded FALC $1,000 as a grant for the program, and this year Meredith College is awarding three $1,000 scholarships as well as granting the use of their art gallery for the exhibit and reception. Jerry’s Artarama also makes generous awards. Each high school art teacher may enter a maximum of six pieces of art in the categories of painting, drawing, digital art, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, photography, or mixed media.  

Visit the exhibit from May 11-24 at the Frankie G. Weems Gallery in the Gaddy Hamrick Art Center on Meredith College Campus. An opening reception will be held in the same location on Sunday, May 21, 2-5 p.m.  

For information about entering, please email Exhibitions@fineartsleagueofcary.org 


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