Raleigh Area Land Trust

Website: https://www.ralt.org

About: Our Mission TO INCREASE AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES IN RALEIGH AND WAKE COUNTY. The Raleigh Area Land Trust creates permanently affordable homeownership opportunities for first-time homebuyers using the Community Land Trust model. Our investments protect neighborhoods from the affordable housing crisis by ensuring working families can afford to live in their community and by keeping homes in their community affordable for generations to come.

Contact: info@ralt.org

Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities for homes are available in Summer 2024.


Your donation makes a difference now, and for generations to come. A single investment in the Raleigh Area Land Trust will immediately serve low income homebuyers while preserving a property as affordable housing for 99+ years. Tax ID/EIN: 83-1319881

We also accept gifts by check, Donor Advised Funds, or stock transfer. Please reach out to us at info@ralt.org if you have any questions or needs to complete your donation.

Donate by Check Make checks payable to: Raleigh Area Land Trust P.O. Box 28363 Raleigh, NC 27611 *If you're donating in honor of someone, please write that in the memo of your check.

Your Impact: As the first and only Community Land Trust in Wake County, we bring the nationally successful Community Land Trust model for affordable homeownership and preservation to the area. Through our shared equity program, we offer affordable homeownership opportunities to multiple families through the preservation of one property.