Western Wake 100 2010 List

Cary Magazine is pleased to present our 2010 "Western Wake 100."  This list contains the top 100 businesses in Western Wake County.

Company Name
Web site
Web site Chief Exec
ABB Inc www.abb.com Joseph Hogan
American Airlines
Jerry O’Connor
Anthony & Company
Jim Anthony
Bryan Mulqueen
Ashworth Drugs
www.ashworthdrugs.com/ Paul Ashworth
John McKinney
ATI Industrial Automation
Keith Morris
Atlantic Tire
Anthony Blackman
BB&T www.BBT.com  Chris Isley
Bland Landscaping Company Inc.
www.blandlandscaping.com/ Kurt Bland & Matt Bland
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC  www.bcbsnc.com Robert Greczyn
Bob Barker Industries  www.bobbarker.com Robert Barker Jr.
Burt's Bees www.burtsbees.com John Replogle
Capital Associates  www.casso.com Hugh Little
Capital Bank www.capitalbank-nc.com John McGeary
Capital Paving & Grading www.capitalpaving.com Elizabeth McClung
Capstone Bank www.capstonebank.com Steven R. Ogburn
Century 21 Becky Medlin Realty www.beckymedlinrealty.com
 Becky Medlin
Cisco  www.cisco.com  Edward D. Paradise
Citadel Contractors Inc. www.citadelcontractors.com Glenn Doncaster
Clancy & Theys www.clancytheys.com Tim Clancy
Clarity Connect www.clarity-connect.com Timothy Howard
Colhoun Real Estate LLC www.colhounrealestate.com Tom Colhoun
Colliers Pinkard  www.collierspinkard.com/about.htm  David T. Finger
Cooper Tools Inc. www.coopertools.com Gary Masse
Cotton Inc www.cottoninc.com Berrye Worsham
Crescent State Bank  www.crescentstatebank.com Michael Carlton
Deutsche Bank (Profile)  www.db.com John Eagleson
DeVere Construction Company www.devere.tv Tom Adams
DJF Builders www.djfbuilders.com Dennis Fitzgerald
Duke Raleigh Hospital www.dukeraleighhospital.org Doug Vinsel
Edward Jones Investments  www.edwardjones.com Patty Carter
ElectriCities of NC Inc. www.electricities.com Jesse Tilton
Ellis & Winters  www.elliswinters.com Mike Winters
Embarq www.embarq.com Steve Parrott
EMC Corporation  www.emc.com Bob Hawkins
Epic Games  www.epicgames.com Tim Sweeney
Eye Care Center www.eyecarecenter.com Dr. Don Cloninger
Falcon Engineering www.falconengineers.com Tommy Faulkner
FeatureTel www.featuretel.com Paul Levering
First Citizens Bank  www.firstcitizens.com Chris Young
Fonville Morisey & Barefoot www.trianglenewhomes.com Audie Barefoot
Four Oaks Bank & Trust  www.fouroaksbank.com Scott Booth
Fuentek www.fuentek.com Laura A. Schoppe
Garland C. Norris Company www.gcnorris.com  Jimmy King
Garmin International (Profile)  www.garmin.com Chris Koszarsky
GlaxoSmithKline  www.gsk.com Deirdre Connelly
Grubb Properties  www.grubbproperties.com Scott Brown

Hare Pipeline Construction Inc.
www.harepipeline.com David Hooks
Healthways Inc www.healthways.com DebbieWatkins
Hendrick Cary Auto Mall  www.caryautomall.com Mike Desmond
Highwoods Properties  www.highwoods.com Thomas “Skip” Hill
Integrated Clinical Trial Services www.integratedtrials.com Tom Sturgis
J. Fourie & Company  www.jfourie.com Judy Fourie
Jani-King www.janiking.com  Michael Kearns
John Deere Company www.deere.com Randy Sergesketter
JVI Construction www.jviconstruction.com Joseph Iannone
Kellogg’s  www.kelloggs.com DOES NOT DISCLOSE NAMES
L.G. Jordan Oil Company no Web site  Larry Jordan
Lenovo (Profile) www.lenovo.com Fran O’Sullivan
 Lord Corporation  www.lord.com Richard McNeel
Madern USA Inc.  www.madern.com Jim Coddington

MLB Construction Services LLC
 www.mlbconstructionservices.com Scott Drebitko
Montague Development LLC  www.montaguedevelopment.com Sherri Montague
MRPP  www.mrppinc.com Sheila Ogle
Oaks Development www.oaksconstruction.com Max Oaks
OFM  www.ofminc.com Blake Zalcberg
Oxford University Press www.oup.com Tom Shannon
Paragon Commercial Bank www.paragoncommercial.com Robert Hatley
Patriot State Bank  www.patriotstatebank.com M. Gregg Strickland
Pharmanet www.pharmanet.com Dalvir Gill
Ply Gem www.plygem.com Keith Pigues
Polyzen Inc. www.polyzen.com Tilak Shah
Potters Industries Inc.  www.pottersbeads.com Gordon Hill
Powell Properties Inc. www.powellproperties.com John Powell

Preston Development
www.prestondev.com Karl Blackley
Prime Mortgage Lending Inc.  www.lendingforyou.com John Rodgers
Progress Energy www.progress-energy.com Hilda Pinnix-Ragland
Prudential York Simpson Underwood http://www.prucarolinas.com/ Sam Simpson and Speck Underwood
PSNC Energy www.psncenergy.com Linda Harris
Quintiles  www.quintiles.com Dennis Gillings
Raleigh Radiology www.raleighrad.com Dr. Don Detweiler
RBC Centura  www.rbcbankusa.com Chris Suggs
REX Healthcare www.rexhealth.com Steve Burriss
Rodney's Custom Cut Sign Co. Inc. www.rodneysign.com Rodney Earley
Royal Oaks Building Group LLC  www.royaloaksbg.com  Rich Van Tassel
RTP Federal Credit Union www.rtpfcu.org   Doug Wilkerson
S&A Cherokee www.sacherokee.com Ron Smith
SAS  www.sas.com Jim Goodnight
Siemens Medical Solutions (Profile) www.medical.siemens.com Rich Legleiter
State Employees’ Credit Union  www.ncsecu.org Brad Starnes
Stephens Supply stephensfv.com
 Wayne Carver
SunTrust www.suntrust.com Randy Clayton
Time Warner Cable www.timewarnercable.com/carolinas/ Christine Whitaker
Tipper Tie www.tippertie.com Bill Roy
Toll Brothers www.tollbrothers.com Thomas J. Anhut
Tyco Electronics www.tycoelectronics.com Tom Lynch
Verizon www.verizon.com Kevin Gahan
Wachovia www.wachovia.com Jack Clayton
Wake Education Partnership www.wakeedpartnership.org Ann Denlinger
Wake Radiology www.wakeradiology.com Dr. Robert Schaaf
Wake Technical Community College www.waketech.edu Dr. Stephen C. Scott
WakeMed Health & Hospitals www.wakemed.org William K. Atkinson
Withers & Ravenel www.withersravenel.com  Tony Withers & Samuel F. Ravenel
YMCA  www.ymcatriangle.org Betsy Peters

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